Getting a Facelift: A Beginner’s Guide


As we get older, our skin loses some of its elasticity. Not only can this cause wrinkles and fine lines, including creases around the eyes and mouth, but it may also lead to sagging skin under the chin or neck. For those who fear they’ve lost their youthful appearance, to say nothing of their self-confidence, a facelift is one potential option. But if you’ve never had a facelift before, you’ll naturally have some questions. We’d love to hear from you, and invite you to reach out to Exclusively Faces with any specific inquiries. In the meantime, here’s a quick overview. Call it Facelifts 101.

Facelifts 101: Everything You Need to Know

What is a facelift, exactly?

A facelift, also called a rhytidectomy, is simply a surgical procedure that’s meant to reduce visible signs of aging in the face, as well as the neck. Facelifts are performed under general anesthesia. Small incisions are made, often behind the ears; the size and placement of those incisions can vary depending on the type of facelift, and the extent of the alterations that must be made. Through those incisions, the surgeon may work to pull the skin and muscles taut, to remove extra skin and fat, to insert facial implants, or to inject dermal fillers.

How can a facelift help me?

There are a number of effects patients may seek through a facelift procedure.  Specifically, a facelift may:

  • Help reduce the sagging appearance in the cheeks.
  • Remove excess skin from the lower jawline (minimizing the “jowling” effect).
  • Reduce extra fat or flab in the neck.
  • Minimize the appearance of wrinkles and superficial lines along the face.

Who is a good candidate for a facelift?

If you find that wrinkles or sagging skin along your face or neck prevent you from experiencing full self-confidence, then you may be a good candidate for a facelift. There’s not necessarily a “right” age to consider a facelift. However, it is important to be in good overall health before seeking any kind of elective surgery. If you have a medical condition that prevents your body from healing properly, or if you’re on medications that could cause bleeding, you may want to hold off on getting a facelift. Additionally, your surgeon will likely caution you to cease smoking and drinking before you have your surgery.

What’s the facelift recovery like?

Those who get a facelift will need to give their body some time to rest and recover. The general recovery period is usually 10 days or so, with all stitching removed in the first week. There may be some swelling, bruising, or pain, especially over the first two or three days. Medication can be used to offset these effects and to keep you comfortable. For those first 10 days or so, it’s recommended to stay home from work and to have someone around the house who can help with basic chores and upkeep.

Learn More About Getting a Facelift

If you have any additional questions about your eligibility for a facelift, about the recovery period, or about the results you can expect, reach out to Exclusively Faces and set up a consultation.


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