Botox is one of the most popular dermatological treatments in the country; a non-surgical injectable, Botox is most often employed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Millions of Botox treatments are performed every year, which tells you a lot about just how safe, how simple, and how effective it can be. For first-time patients, though, it’s only natural to have some questions and concerns. In this post, we’re going to answer some of the most common questions we receive about Botox injections. If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, we welcome you to reach out to Exclusively Faces at any time!
Common Questions About Botox Injections
How does Botox work, exactly?
Botox is what’s technically classified as a neurotoxin, and it’s injected into the targeted treatment area with a super-thin needle. It blocks the neurological signals that are needed for facial muscles to contract; those contractions are what cause the wrinkles and fine lines to appear. Over the course of a few weeks, your muscles will relax more and more, and ultimately you should see a visible decrease in wrinkles.
Which areas of my face can I treat with Botox?
You can actually receive Botox injections in several areas; we have patients who use Botox to minimize fine lines around the eyes, across the forehead and between the brows. People sometimes inject Botox into the jaw to help with TMJ and other jaw disorders, as well.
What can I expect from my Botox appointment?
You can expect it to be pretty quick, pretty easy, and pretty low on pain and discomfort. There is no anesthesia or topical numbing required. Yes, there’s a moment of discomfort when the needle goes in, but that’s it. And it takes place very quickly. Many patients actually get these injections while they’re on their lunch break and are able to return to the office immediately.
How much does it hurt really?
Again, it hurts only in the sense that any injection hurts, for just a moment. Most of our patients tell us that the discomfort is really not even worth mentioning.
How quickly does Botox work?
It varies from patient to patient, but generally, you can expect to see some initial effects within four or five days. It may take two or three weeks before you see the full effects of your Botox procedure.
How long does Botox last?
Again, it’s a little different from one patient to the next, but usually, it’s somewhere in the three to four-month range.
How safe is Botox?
It’s perfectly safe and approved by the FDA for the treatment of wrinkles and fine lines.
Are there any side effects?
For some patients, there may be some minor bruising, swelling, tenderness, or redness, all of which should resolve within a couple of days. Additional questions about the Botox procedure? We’d love to answer them. Reach out to Exclusively Faces to learn more, or to schedule your appointment for a one-on-one consultation.