What’s the Difference Between a Face-lift and a Mini Face-lift?

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A face-lift can produce a dramatic transformation. It gives you a younger, fresher-looking appearance, leaving people to wonder what’s changed. If you’re considering a face-lift, one of the biggest decisions is whether you should have a full face-lift or a mini face-lift.


Full Face-lift vs. Mini Face-lift

1. Full Face-lift

A face-lift is a surgical procedure designed to correct imperfections of your mid- and lower face. Either local or general anesthesia is used, and the incisions are made in front of your ears, above your hairline, and along the lower portion of your scalp. Surgeons choose these areas in an attempt to reduce the visibility of scars. The surgeon then works to separate the skin, muscle, and tissue of your face and neck to contour the fat and tighten up your deep tissue and muscles. Any excess skin left over is lifted or trimmed. A full face-lift provides a smooth jawline and good cheek volume. A full facelift is best if you want to tighten up loose skin and fat around your jaw and neck and lift up sagging tissue around the midface area. It also works on the deep folds around your mouth and nose — all of which are signs of aging. However, a full procedure is costlier than other facial treatments, and it requires a longer recovery. You can expect two weeks of downtime after surgery. The results, though, are long-lasting.  

2. A Mini Face-lift

The size of the incisions made during a mini face-lift differs from a full face-lift. With a full face-lift, the incisions stretch from your temples and around the front and behind your ears. However, the incisions for a mini lift are made around your ears and stop just behind them. Some of your skin is elevated and inner tissues are tightened. Any excess skin is removed. A mini face-lift is a great option if you experience signs of early aging, like less neck laxity and early jowl sagging. This procedure is performed under local anesthetic, and recovery time is just a week. The results usually last 3-5 years. The results of a mini face-lift are usually visible more quickly compared with a full face-lift. In the case of both procedures, though, swelling and bruising are common. The bruising that comes with a mini face-lift usually goes away, along with any swelling, relatively quickly. That means your results are noticeable after just a couple of days.


Is a face-lift right for you?

Data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons indicate that most of us are keen to put our best face forward. Statistics from the society show a 3% growth in face-lifts over the past year. Does that mean a face-lift is right for you? During the procedure, your surgeon will create a more youthful, fresh look while tightening up underlying musculature to lift sagging. Face-lifts also help to smooth out wrinkles. If you’re concerned about loose skin in your lower face and neck, deep creases around your mouth and nose, or hollowed cheeks, a face-lift may be the answer. Whether you choose to have a full face-lift or a mini face-lift depends on the extent of your sagging and wrinkles. If your needs are less extensive, you could be a good candidate for a mini face-lift. However, if you’re a regular smoker, past middle age, and concerned with sagging and lines, a full face-lift could be the way to go. Talk to Dr. Matthew Karen at Exclusively Faces Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa about your options today.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.